As a service to its customers and other potential aircraft builders, Zenith Aircraft Company will host its first “Engine Day” at Sun ‘n Fun on Friday, April 4th from 10 am to 2 pm. The event will be staged at the Zenith exhibit booth and is open to everyone.
Zenith has invited all major manufacturers of 65 to 150 hp engines to participate by putting their firewall forward packages on display for Zenith kit customers and the public. Engine reps will be on hand to discuss the features of their powerplants.
“Zenith is pleased to offer its customers a wide range of engine options for our two-place aircraft kits,” said Zenith President Sebastien Heintz. “We encourage alternative engine installations in our kits and may have the widest range of engine selections in the homebuilt aircraft fleet.” Heintz also noted that if the event is deemed successful, it will likely become an annual part of their display program.”