Zenith will host their 8th annual “Fly-In to Summer” Open Hangar Day on Saturday, June 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The event provides people an opportunity to tour a successful aircraft kit manufacturing facility and to meet people who have already completed the building their own kit plane. Many people will take their first flight in a Zenith aircraft during the Fly-In. It is a great chance to learn about all aspects of aircraft construction.
Typically, the Fly-In to Summer occurrence attracts 300 to 400 people. That includes 30 to 50 pilots who fly their finished Zeniths into Mexico Airport. The Fly-In is free and is open to everyone. “It’s amazing how quickly the ramp fills up with people and aircraft,” said Zenith President Sebastien Heintz. “It’s a good old fashioned fly-in with lots of hangar talk and endless stories about building airplanes. It’s a very laid back affair, but still a lot of fun.”
For more information visit ZenithAir.com.