World Fastest Cleco Contest

The record for placing and then removing 10 Clecos was 28.66 seconds at noon of Wednesday.

How fast can you place and remove 10 Clecos? As of noon on Wednesday, Glenn Gordon from EAA Chapter 512 (Placerville, CA) held the record at 28.66 seconds. Pretty dang fast! The contest is being held at the front entrance to the Blue Barn on Knapp Street. The contest is simple and could easily become a game at any chapter gathering. A rectangular cross-section tube has 10 evenly spaced hole drilled into the “top”. Nine accommodate “copper” Clecos (#30 drillhole) and one hole is sized for a “black” Cleco (#20 drillhole).

The World Fastest Cleco Contest station is just inside the main entrance to the Blue Barn, on Knapp Street on the south edge of homebuilt parking.

One starts a stopwatch by hitting a large button then placing the #20 Cleco first, followed by the other nine Clecos. Once all ten holes are filled, the contestant must remove the #20 Cleco, again followed by the others and hit the button to stop the clock. Try it! You’ll walk away appreciating someone who can do it in 28 seconds and change!


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