![]() Glare Shield for Garmins Make-It Manufacturing has introduced a new glare shield designed for Garmin GPS series 196, 396, 495, 496 and 696 units as well as other marine models. The Glare Wizard is made from a synthetic rubber, and installation doesn’t require any Velcro or tape. The synthetic rubber allows a very slight pressure fit. The Glare Wizard also wont interfere with any of the mounting systems and can be installed or removed in seconds, the company says. The suggested retail price is $39.95. For more information, visit www.pilotlightpro.com. The company is looking for additional distributors. |
![]() Legal Eagle Now Comes in XL Better Half VW has announced a new addition to its plansbuilt lineup: the Legal Eagle XL, designed for bigger, heavier pilots. The new design can accommodate a 275-pound pilot, and the seat is bigger, taller and longer. The XL wings have been load-tested for a gross weight of 575 pounds. Specifications include a dry weight of 246 pounds, wingspan of 26.25 feet, wing area of 120.3 square feet, wing loading of 4.7 pounds per square foot. Fuel capacity is 5 gallons, gravity fed, and the prop is a 54-inch wood design. Performance includes a takeoff distance of 250 feet, landing distance of 300 feet and stall at 27 mph, according to the company. Estimated cost to build is $3000 to $5000, depending on your ability to scrounge, the company says. For more information, call 281/375-5453, or visit www.betterhalfvw.com. |
Certified Pre-Owned LSA Program Sportair USA announced a new certified pre-owned Light Sport Aircraft program that will include a six-month, 50-hour warranty plus transition training for the new owner. SportAir is the U.S. distributor for the Sting and Sirius LSAs. The company says the new program offers assurance that the aircraft has been thoroughly inspected and maintained by trained technicians. All repairs are required to be made with OEM parts. Certified Flight Instructors will provide 5 hours of ground training and 5 hours of transition flight orientation including a biannual flight review. For sellers, the program will provide exposure for the aircraft, and the airplane will be hangared at no cost. Sportair will maintain the aircraft and conduct any necessary repairs, with the prior approval of the seller, until the airplane is sold. For more information, call 888-FLY-SLSA, or visit www.sportair.aero. |
![]() Quick Reference for aera and AV8OR Ace Qref announced the release of two new quick reference checklists for the Garmin aera: the Qbook and the Qcard. The Qcard covers the most commonly used and most commonly forgotten procedures and sells for $14.95. The Qbook contains the full procedures, as well as a screen-by-screen You Are Here navigation helper. It is fully indexed and tabbed into logical sections, and sells for $29.95. Qref checklists for the Bendix/King AV8OR Ace navigator are also available in both book and card formats at the same prices. Qref avionics checklists are designed to help users get the most from their new units. They are written in an easy-to-use checklist format, unlike a paragraph-style manual. Constructed of sturdy laminated pages and binding, the QBook checklists are tabbed into sections covering flight plans, databases, routes, tips and tricks, and more. The QCards are made of double-sided military-grade plastic. All Qref checklists are printed in full color and contain larger type than most other checklists for easy reading, yet they are small enough to fit comfortably on a yoke mount or kneeboard, the company says. For more information, call 877/660-QREF, or visit www.qref.com. |
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