Carbon Cub Kits Shipping
CubCrafters of Yakima, Washington, announced that the company has shipped its first three Carbon Cub wing kits and one fuselage kit. It is currently producing two kits a month, according to a company press release.The 2009 Carbon Cub demo plane is complete, and its painted in a signature flames scheme. The Cub team is in the process of compiling the flight data needed to publish the official performance numbers for the aircraft.The Carbon Cub is divided into three sub-kits. The standard fuselage, wing and finishing kits are $19,995 each. High-gross versions are available. Contact CubCrafters at 509/248-9491 or www.cubcrafters.com.
Forward Vision Available in RotorWay Helis
RotorWay International and Forward Vision Systems, Inc. have announced that RotorWay will make the Forward Vision EVS-100 system available on its line of Experimental/Amateur-Built helicopters. The EVS-100, powered by Max-Viz, is the latest generation EVS technology specifically designed for GA and is said to turn night into day. It uses a sensitive long wave infrared detector that has excellent gray scale to discern detail.Visit RotorWays web site at www.rotorway.com or Forward Vision Systems at www.forward-vision.net.

Cargo Pod/Motorbike Combo for RV-10
MotoPOD has announced that it is starting production of cargo pods that allow pilots to carry a street-legal motorcycle or other items underneath light airplanes. Empty weight of the composite pod is 50 pounds. The street-legal supermoto is a 223cc, 17-horsepower motorcycle with a dry weight of 220 pounds, top speed of 85 mph and range of 150 miles. The introductory price for the RV-10 is $7995 for the pod and $9995 for the motorcycle. A demo video is available at www.motorcyclepilot.com.
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