We arrived here around 9 am this am, after a wonderful flight from Dekalb, IL. Nothing like a nice calm flight over the IL and WI farmlands to start the day off right! The Oshkosh Notice did not go into effect until noon local, so it felt weird just calling the tower. It worked and we were number 3 to land. But the crux of the story is again to realize what makes this whole event happen like clockwork—the volunteers! We were very quickly met by a Welcome Wagon team, who helped us transport our camping gear to Camp Scholler and pick out a nice, shady campsite, with trees even! The driver was none other than Harmon Lange, who’s company has built the landing gear legs for Van’s Aircraft forever, accompanied by Ed Lynn. Everyone was amazed at how much stuff the RV-10 carries, as we almost maxed out the truck.
Nice dry weather is here, and the temps look to be wonderfully cool after Saturday. We look forward to watching the arrivals.