Van’s president and CTO Rian Johnson reveals a little about the upcoming RV-15, a high-wing, backcountry-capable airplane set to debut next year.
In Case You Missed It
To Launch a Light Sport
Bob Fritz presses on! In this installment, he powers up the Grand Rapids Technologies EFIS panel, solves a curious com antenna problem, installs the Zaon PCAS, fits the door to the fuselage’s curvature, and streamlines the air flow to the oil cooler.
Product Review: J.P. Instruments EDM-740
JPI is offering a new compact, capable engine monitor that is built and priced for the homebuilt market. By Marc Cook.
Ask the DAR
Mel Asberry - 0
DAR Mel Asberry continues his discussion of operating limitations and Phase I flight-test requirements.
Aero ‘lectrics
If you need a horn to sound when the airspeed drops below a certain level or when the power is cut and the landing gear is still up and locked, an electronic circuitry solution is the lightest, most reliable and most cost-effective way to go.
Wow- that was a non-press conference conference. Really folks? It’s a high wing. That’s about all I got- they wouldn’t even say if it went on floats. Save the press conference for when you can say something not for when you’ve got a lot of pompous “we could tell you but we’re not”.