Van’s Aircraft, Inc. issued a new Service Bulletin affecting all of the aircraft built from Van’s kits except the RV-12. SB 16-03028 addresses “cracking of wing aft spar web at the inboard aileron hinge bracket attach rivets. In addition, for RV-10 and RV-14/14A aircraft, there is a potential for cracking of the flange bends of the inboard aileron hinge brackets.”
The required action is listed for each of the different models.
For RV-3/3A/3B, 4, 7/7A, 8/8A, 9/9A aircraft: Inspect for cracks as described in this document. If cracks are present in the spar web, stop drill the cracks and install aileron attach doublers as described in this service bulletin.
For RV-10 and RV-14/14A aircraft: Inspect for cracks as described in this document. If cracks are found in the spar web or the inboard aileron brackets, stop drill the cracks in the spar web (if present), install aileron attach doublers, and replace the aileron hinge brackets with updated brackets.
It is unlikely that RV-6/6A wings will be affected. If cracks are present in RV-6/6A aircraft, email Van’s Engineering Dept for instructions, with photos of the cracks, for a specific repair scheme.
Contact Van’s Aircraft to obtain the parts needed to complete this modification for your specific model. See the SB kit part numbers at the end of this document.
Time of compliance is listed as “before further flight”, so owners and pilots of the RV line of aircraft will undoubtedly be getting out their flashlights this week to see if their aircraft are affected.
The complete text of the Serve Bulletin can be found at http://www.vansaircraft.com/pdf/sb16-03-28.pdf