Data plates are required to show the manufacturer, model and serial number, and they must be legible. It’s highly unlikely that one like this would pass a ramp check.
In Case You Missed It
Design Process: All-Moving Tails
A conventional horizontal tail has a fixed horizontal stabilizer with an elevator hinged to...
Van’s RV-12
In typical fashion, Van’s Aircraft refused to rest on its laurels after the RV-12’s prototype debut last year, and sought to improve on an already good design. The new production airplane has changed (beyond its color), with a castering nosewheel, toe brakes instead of a grip, reshaped control sticks for better clearance, ground-adjustable seats fore and aft as well as in tilt, and the list goes on. Best of all, this day/VFR machine is still a delight to fly; by Ed Kolano.
Design Process: Roll Control
The primary function of the wing is to generate lift, but it must also incorporate control surfaces to control the airplane in roll.
Aluminum data plates can be read from the back side if the rivets are drilled out. Front surface wear does not go all the way through aluminum.
The data plates are supposed to be stainless steel (fireproof).
bolted plate was not accepted by the Italian authorities