In the tightly cowled engine compartment of an E/A-B aircraft, exhaust systems can do unseen damage over time unless care is taken to protect various components. In this case, the intake tube hose on a Lycoming engine shows severe signs of overheating due to its proximity to the exhaust system. When touched, it was very brittle and started flaking apart. Left unchecked, it will eventually cause an intake leak and the cylinder will run lean.
In Case You Missed It
Build A Spark Plug Resistance Tester
Checking resistance is an important part of plug maintenance. By Michel Suire.
Aero ‘lectrics
If you've ever wondered who invented the ubiquitous light-emitting diode, wonder no more. Columnist Jim Weir explains the origin and evolution of LEDs, and how to wire them up for use in your aircraft.
What Is My Instrument Panel Going to Cost?
Dave Prizio - 0
A look at several options and what goes into the final price.
An untimely prop strike results in more than just a call to the insurance company. Decisions regarding engine and propeller replacement open up numerous options. By Bill Repucci.