Our community relies on the generous time devoted by EAA Tech Counselors and Flight Advisors to ensure good builds and safe first flights. Part of their informal “recurrent training” is the annual group breakfast at AirVenture. Not just a social event (how social are people at 7 am on the Thursday of a long week!), it is a chance for EAA Homebuilt Community Manager Charlie Becker to welcome and thank the group, Tom Charpentier to give an update on happenings with the FAA that may impact homebuilding, and KITPLANES contributor Vic Syracuse to provide lots of helpful hints on things for Tech Councilors to look out for. They even had terrifically helpful shop posters to hand out to the gathering.
In Case You Missed It
Light Stuff
Dave Martin - 0
Shopping for a new airplane is never easy and there is much to consider. This article details one mans purchase decision, as he systematically weighs the pros and cons of various designs and ultimately decides on the Flight Design CT; by Dave Martin.
Channel Challenger
Dick Starks - 0
Dick Starks and the Dawn Patrol get a front-row seat to the Bleriot XI replica’s very successful first flight. Next comes flying off the 40 in preparation for its English Channel flight.
Dimpling for Beauty and Speed
Each time you install a fastener on your airplane kit, consider whether the head...