TCM said more than a year ago that it wanted to get an aerodiesel into its product line and now it has one. The company bought diesel technology already developed from a European source and is forging ahead with its own program.
In Case You Missed It
What’s the Future of Homebuilding?
Some builders of Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft are builders in name only, deferring primary construction of the aircraft to the pros. So concluded the FAA, which is determined to clamp down on those who would flout the 51% rules. What does it mean to regular homebuilders? Those who are building now will be unaffected, but for future builders, the FAAs guidance revisions could be significant.
Light Stuff
In an aviation segment where rentals are generally not an option, acquiring your own aircraft may be the way to go. There are deals to be had, if you know where to look. By Roy Beisswenger.
Around the Patch
Those who plan to build an aircraft from a kit would do well to visit the factory and get to know not only the owners but also the operation. So counsels Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook, whose recent visit to the RANS factory left him favorably impressed. RANS manufacturing is diversified to weather the ups and downs of the market, and the company knows what works and sticks to it.
Around the Patch
Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook reflects on the past years celebration of KITPLANES first quarter century, and finds that predictions for the next 25 years don't come easily.