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In Case You Missed It

Product Review: PS Engineering PMA5000EX

At its heart, the PMA5000EX is a four-place stereo intercom in an audio panel that supports two each of coms, navs, switching aux inputs, music inputs plus having five unswitched aux inputs and a front-panel input for a music source or cell. By Marc Cook.

Build It Better: Show Me the Data!

Don’t believe everything you hear when making an important building or maintenance decision—do your homework.

Roll Your Own

Builders Ken Scott and Ken Kruegers unique project is off the drawing board and into production. They're working with the engine builder, the wing is behind them, the nosebowl is taking shape-and the fuselage is taking over the living room;

A Grid-Free Hangar

This may well be the most ambitious project I’ve tackled in the last 35...