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In Case You Missed It

Aero ‘lectrics

So far in Jim Weirs investigation of digital logic, hes explored small scale integration. This time, its time to ramp it up a bit and use some medium scale integration devices that will remember your settings.

Editor’s Log

With so many different types of Experimental/kit aircraft available, Paul Dye explains how KITPLANES tries to include something of interest for everyone.

Light Sport, Done the Van’s Way

Van’s founder Dick VanGrunsven has long been active in the development of consensus standards for Light Sport Aircraft. Until recently, however, no one knew he was developing an LSA of his own. Enter the proof-of-concept RV-12. If testing bears out the viability of the concept, it may become available as an amateur-built kit.

Down to Earth

Amy Laboda updated the avionics package on her RV-10 with an NavWorx ADS600-B box, and its ADS-B function has opened a whole new window on the world.