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Wittman. Field.


Long EZ Walkaround


A Crowd of One


In Case You Missed It

The $30,000 RV-9A

Two builders helped each other build RV-9As, each employing significantly different outlays of cash. The results are impressive in both cases, but for different reasons. They help us ponder the question as we build: “What is something worth?” By Marc Cook.

Bead Blast for Bond Prep

Surface preparation is easy if you have access to a bead blast cabinet.

Flying to All 50

With Hawaii and Alaska out of the way, I decided to visit the other 48 states.

A Futuristic Anachronism

Ultimate experimenter Paul Lipps has used his own homebuilt, a Lancair 320, as a test bed for his many innovations, which include reflexed flaps, an ultra-long pitot tube for more accurate readings, a solar-powered fan for the cockpit, a cowl scoop for ultra cooling of the magneto, extremely close clearances between the spinner and the prop, and a one-of-a-kind propeller.