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Lathe Bauble


Make That Aluminum Shine


Drills and Bits


In Case You Missed It

Light Stuff

Earlier this year, columnist Dave Martin had the opportunity to fly Flight Designs CTSW (short wing) factory-built Light Sport Aircraft. This month, he flies the company's new CTLS (Light Sport model), and he details the differences between the two.

Simple Tools for Setting Smooth Blind Rivets

The creative homebuilder.

What’s New

A WxWorx partner will help upgrade Nexrad, MGL Avionics Odyssey EFIS ships in the U.S., Sky-Tec offers the RX12 starter for Rotax 912/914 series engines, and TrickAir offers skis for the American Legend Aircraft Legend Cub.

Build Your Skills: Fabric

Everyone could use a little sunscreen, and the fabric on a fabric-covered aircraft is no exception. This months installment, the last in the series, discusses pre-paint protection to minimize sun damage. By Ron Alexander.