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In Case You Missed It

Build It Better: Play by the Rules

Some rules are made for you, and some rules are made by you. Those personal rules create a higher level of safety for you and your passengers, and they are the mark of professionalism in a pilot.

Aero ‘lectrics

If you need a horn to sound when the airspeed drops below a certain level or when the power is cut and the landing gear is still up and locked, an electronic circuitry solution is the lightest, most reliable and most cost-effective way to go.

Restarting a Homebuilt Project

What to do when you haven’t been doing anything.

25th Anniversary: Engines of Change

In the days of the Wright brothers, the Flyer would have been impossible had the boys not endeavored to develop their own powerplant. While the Experimental/Amateur-Built movement has been carried aloft by versions of certified aircraft engines, the alternative engine movement has provided viable options for builders. By Marc Cook.