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Tag: sun ‘n fun

In Case You Missed It

Unfit for Flight

Our culture’s version of schadenfreude often distills down to something called the Darwin Award,...

O For Some Plans!

Builder Ray Ordorica is in the process of realizing a long-term dream of building the real airplane that he flew as a model during his early years. The project is not without its trials, though, as original plans are not available, and many small mysteries must be solved before the real building can begin; by Ray Ordorica.

Rear Cockpit

Progress and the Red Baron.

Designer Spotlight: John Thorp

John W. Thorp has had a profound influence on both homebuilding and on aviation in general. If you've flown Piper Cherokees or know of the all-flying tail, you're familiar with his design principles, and his T-18 is still a favorite worldwide.