Home Tags Rv-8

Tag: rv-8

Wischer’s Whiff


In Case You Missed It

Thought Exercise: The Drive Socket

Ever look at a part and wonder, “How did they make that?”

What’s New

Master Mechanic introduces the Swift Driver, Aircraft Spruce launches an online magazine and offers a simplified FAR/AIM book, and California Power Systems carries Rotax 912 engine rubber replacement kits.

Editor’s Log

The flying bug.

The Home Machinist

What do you do if you want to cut a longer-than-usual taper? Well, first you'll need to create a simple tool from some round stock that will provide target zones for your dial indicator, and then you may need to buy some more tools-what a shame! Home Machinist Bob Fritz takes you through the process. Hint: Choosing the right Morse Taper is critical.