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Kincaid RV-12


In Case You Missed It

Alternative Engines and the Cult of Personality

Marc Cook digs into the challenging world of automotive conversions, reporting on the converts who learned how to build these engines at the West Coast Corvair College.

Building the Affordaplane, Part 2

From a construction standpoint this ultralight design is quite unusual in some ways and very traditional in others.

Lancair Evolution

When Joe Bartels bought the company from founder Lance Neibauer in 2003, he knew it was time for a change. The goal was to find a high-performance aircraft that could be flown by the average pilot in the target market. The solution can be found in the company's newest product, the Pratt & Whitney-powered turbine Evolution; by Doug Rozendaal.

To Launch a Light Sport

The Jabiru engine is a thing of beauty to behold, and it’s one reason this builder bought this particular aircraft kit. Though the installation was relatively easy, it still required some thinking ahead; by Bob Fritz.