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Tag: robert helms

In Case You Missed It

Editor’s Log

The same plane twice…

All About Avionics: Autopilots

Want to be fresh at the end of a long flight? Experimental-only autopilots beat their certified counterparts. They're usually less expensive, more capable and far more user-serviceable (if you know what you're doing). By Stein Bruch.

What’s New

The Jabiru LSA was certified, a new Sport Hornet is introduced, Vertical Power offers climate control in the cockpit, Cirrus is taking orders, an old favorite book title is back in print, the PT-6 firewall-forward package is now on a Turbo Grizzly, and an LED pilot pen lights the great write way; edited by Mary Bernard.

Airpark Living, Continued

Last month, I talked about the various types of airparks available for those so...