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No One Is Watching


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In Case You Missed It

Avidyne IFD540

Avidyne's new IFD540 GPS navigator will offer an easy replacement for Garmin GNS users.

Hamming It Up

Amateur radio enthusiast Chuck Deiterich explains how pilots can use the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) to track their flights and stay in touch with loved ones for a modest investment.

Wind Tunnel

Flying Flea, part 3.

Simplified One-Off Electronic Projects

As homebuilders, we are accustomed to doing a lot of preliminary and/or tooling work to build a couple of pieces for our aircraft. Tom Kuffel created an auxiliary fuel transfer pump controller for his GlaStar Sportsman for next to nothing, a real savings over the retail price of $300, and he describes how he did it.