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In Case You Missed It

Mike and Laura Starkey’s RANS S-21: Part 7

Let’s take a moment to catch you up on our RANS S-21 build: So...

Light Sport, Done the Van’s Way

Van’s founder Dick VanGrunsven has long been active in the development of consensus standards for Light Sport Aircraft. Until recently, however, no one knew he was developing an LSA of his own. Enter the proof-of-concept RV-12. If testing bears out the viability of the concept, it may become available as an amateur-built kit.

What’s The Worst That Could Happen?

When you're tempted to take shortcuts during a build or repair without asking questions about the ramifications, it may be wise to contemplate the worst-case scenario.

Build It Better: Building to Requirements

It can be tough to keep a homebuilt project from ballooning out of control when so many tempting innovations and extras catch your eye along the way. Having a specific vision from the outset can help keep things on track.