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Tag: propellers

The most difficult compromises live in the middle of the performance envelope, while the easiest decisions are found at each end of the spectrum. This VW installation emphasizes economy over performance, so a prop gearbox would be an obvious complication.



Nose Job


In Case You Missed It

Around the Patch

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook offers an explanation of how the annual Aircraft Buyer's Guides are assembled, and his attempts to enhance the usefulness and relevance of the information provided.

Wind Tunnel

When is an airplane in trim? At least to the pilot, the airplane is trimmed when no stick force is required to maintain equilibrium. So how do we achieve this? Barnaby Wainfan explains any number of ways to go about it, including the use of trimtabs, spring systems, sparrow strainers and variable incidence tails.


Dakota Hawk, RV-7A, Excalibur.

Reinventing the Wheel

Do you really need to spend your time coming up with a better solution when the one provided is more than good enough?