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In Case You Missed It

Found From Space

A technology developed by ham radio operators, called automatic position reporting system (APRS), coupled with low-cost GPS receivers, a decent antenna and the World Wide Web, have made it possible to track light-aircraft flights without incurring access or subscription fees. Yes, you'll need to get a Technician license for radio operators, but thats a minor obstacle if this system is something you want or need to use.

Fuel Pump Replacement

I was climbing out from my home base airport in Chino, California. I noticed...

A New Name on the Alternative Engine Block

When NSI went under in 2005, builders who had an engine or were waiting on parts for one might have found themselves in a world of hurt. But seeing an opportunity, John and Gwen Maxwell acquired the assets of the company and have endeavored since to make a sound product even better; by Marc Cook.


 Missionary ZealI have been a KITPLANES® subscriber since its inception. Over the years I...