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In Case You Missed It

Engine Update

Lycoming makes a push into the Light Sport Aircraft market with its new O-233 engine. Though similar in appearance to the venerable O-235, it’s an entirely new design poised to take on some heavy competition. By Marc Cook.

A Higher Velocity

Marc Cook reviews the new twin-turbo Velocity TXL from Velocity Aircraft. Among the benefits of the new configuration, which includes two Garrett turbochargers on the Continental engine, is power that keeps performance consistent well into higher altitudes-to the tune of 250 knots at FL250.

RV-15: How Does It Compare?

How does Van's RV-15 compare to the Dream Tundra?

Spitfire Squadron Scrambles Again

At Enstone, U.K., groups of builders are creating Spitfire replicas. By Geoff Jones.