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In Case You Missed It

Kitplanes December 1998 Cover

Archive: December 1988

A Great Lakes biplane was on our December 1988 cover, and the issue contained...

Wind Tunnel

When is an airplane in trim? At least to the pilot, the airplane is trimmed when no stick force is required to maintain equilibrium. So how do we achieve this? Barnaby Wainfan explains any number of ways to go about it, including the use of trimtabs, spring systems, sparrow strainers and variable incidence tails.
Glasair Sportsman

Glasair Aviation to Restart With Kits, Not Two Weeks to Taxi

Glasair Aviation is planning to emphasize kit sales and production first and restart TWTT later.

Error Chain

Departure Stall! Good aircraft design and a bit of luck made it survivable. By Gary Knight and James Wiebe.