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Tag: homebuilder

The Dream Is Alive


eBay Biplane


Rag Wing Roots


In Case You Missed It

Preparing for Flight Test Unknowns

Admit it: We're all amateurs. Unless we're actual test pilots, none of us are...

All About Avionics

With all of the ways to get GPS information into the cockpit, a handheld unit remains a viable option. By Stein Bruch.

Wind Tunnel

Flight testing for longitudinal stability problems continues this month as columnist Barnaby Wainfan details tests for stick force as related to trim and stick-free stability of an aircraft. The object is to gather data and analyze it to see if the hypotheses about the nature of the problem hold up under scrutiny.

Notes From the Heartland

No surprise that my first trip back to Oshkosh in years was a funny...