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Aero ‘lectrics


In Case You Missed It

Ask the DAR

Recertifying a Homebuilt after major changes. Changing the gross weight when putting a Rans S6S on floats.

Designer Spotlight: John Thorp

John W. Thorp has had a profound influence on both homebuilding and on aviation in general. If you've flown Piper Cherokees or know of the all-flying tail, you're familiar with his design principles, and his T-18 is still a favorite worldwide.

Simplified One-Off Electronic Projects

As homebuilders, we are accustomed to doing a lot of preliminary and/or tooling work to build a couple of pieces for our aircraft. Tom Kuffel created an auxiliary fuel transfer pump controller for his GlaStar Sportsman for next to nothing, a real savings over the retail price of $300, and he describes how he did it.

Parallels, Stops, and Travel Limiters

Although the title might suggest it, this is not about parallel parking, speeding tickets, or driving of any kind.