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In Case You Missed It

Preparing for Flight Test Unknowns

Admit it: We're all amateurs. Unless we're actual test pilots, none of us are...

What’s the Future of Homebuilding?

Some builders of Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft are builders in name only, deferring primary construction of the aircraft to the pros. So concluded the FAA, which is determined to clamp down on those who would flout the 51% rules. What does it mean to regular homebuilders? Those who are building now will be unaffected, but for future builders, the FAAs guidance revisions could be significant.

Flight Review: What’s Hummin’ at Hummel?

LeRoy Cook flies the fun and efficient H-5 Sport Cruiser, the little Hummel Bird's grown-up sibling.

A HOG in Time Takes…Forever

As I told you a couple of months ago, “In theory, there is no...