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Error Chain


Rear Cockpit


In Case You Missed It

Buzzwords: Adverse Yaw

Adverse yaw is usually defined as an airplane yawing in the direction opposite the intended turn direction when insufficient coordinating rudder is applied. True enough, sort of. But there’s more to the story. By Edward P. Kolano.

Scratch-Built Christavias

Quickbuild kits too easy? Here's your next project.

The Spin Doctor

Craig Catto, master of fixed-pitch props.

The Home Machinist

This months feature offers a three-in-one discussion that includes how to use the steady rest to work with any material that extends beyond the chuck, a review of Googles SketchUp program that will allow you to get designing on your home computer quickly, and notes on how to make an indispensable tool for the home machinist; by Bob Fritz.