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In Case You Missed It

Flying Qualities of an Airplane Are Important

The author explains how the characteristics of an airplane affect pilot ability to complete tasks, response factors, stability and damping of the airframe to changes in angle of attack, basic stability, trim, control forces, and control power. He also addresses the controversy behind the design of airplanes, their characteristics and the resultant suitability for various types of flying;

Buzzwords: Human Factors—The Basics

Small design considerations can have a big impact on comfort, convenience and safety.

Aero ‘lectrics

Columnist Jim Weir reminds us that its good to laugh at ourselves once in a while, and, to that end, he acts as an unofficial translator between pilots and the FAA, construing what they mean by what they say, and what they mean by what they don't say. He also details the latest contributions to Murphys Law from the world of aviation.


Us and the Media (Best Letter) I was disappointed to see the first...