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In Case You Missed It

Light Stuff

At AirVenture last year, Remos Aircraft introduced an all-composite, factory-built Light Sport Aircraft, the GX, which replaces the Remos G-3. Significant testing went into the two-year development of this new plane, including ground vibration testing, which is the subject of this months column; by Dave Martin.

Homebuilt Accidents: Passing the Engine Baton

How does the Rotax 912 compare to traditional engines used in small homebuilts?

Lancair ES-P

Robert Simon had the distinction of building the first Lancair ES-P to fly. But the process wasn’t without its challenges. The ES-P employs the cabin design and structure of the pressurized, retractable Lancair IV-P, but has a larger wing and fixed gear. During the build, Simon also deviated from the base design with changes that required factory support to accomplish. Not only did he learn much, he ultimately got the plane he needed; by Dave Higdon.

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.