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In Case You Missed It

A New Name on the Alternative Engine Block

When NSI went under in 2005, builders who had an engine or were waiting on parts for one might have found themselves in a world of hurt. But seeing an opportunity, John and Gwen Maxwell acquired the assets of the company and have endeavored since to make a sound product even better; by Marc Cook.

Around the Patch

Eventually even the best company founders want to retire, and Dick VanGrunsven of Vans Aircraft is no exception. Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook discusses the succession plan and why the future continues to look bright for this Pacific Northwest luminary.

Around the Patch

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook discusses the magazines new approach to the Alternative Engines Buyer's Guide and the blowback from his commentary about these engines in the May issue.

Propeller Balancing

Here’s what you need to know to get the smoothest results.