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In Case You Missed It

Cables and Pulleys

Even though many planes have most of their flight controls actuated by pushrods and...

All About Avionics: We Came, We Saw

There are seemingly few more mundane tasks than making holes, but there are as many ways to do them, as there are different sizes and shapes of holes. This month, Stein Bruch describes how to cut holes in the panel yourself, using tools you may already have around the shop.

Light Sport, Done the Van’s Way

Van’s founder Dick VanGrunsven has long been active in the development of consensus standards for Light Sport Aircraft. Until recently, however, no one knew he was developing an LSA of his own. Enter the proof-of-concept RV-12. If testing bears out the viability of the concept, it may become available as an amateur-built kit.

Firewall Forward: Intake and Exhaust Systems

In the next installment of KITPLANES Firewall Forward sponsored by Tempest editor at large...