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In Case You Missed It

To Launch A Light Sport

Author Bob Fritz got the bad news that he would likely not pass his FAA medical and was faced with a choice: Finish the RV he was working on and resign himself to flying with a partner, or try to find a suitable Light Sport Aircraft that he could build and fly solo. In this first installment in the series, he details his search for the right design and reveals the decision he ultimately made.

Product Review: PS Engineering PMA5000EX

At its heart, the PMA5000EX is a four-place stereo intercom in an audio panel that supports two each of coms, navs, switching aux inputs, music inputs plus having five unswitched aux inputs and a front-panel input for a music source or cell. By Marc Cook.

Are you considering an alternative engine?

Patrick Panzera explains some specific formulas he uses to see if an engine' claimed numbers pass muster.

Texas Sport Cub

The Texas Sport Cubs combination of classic good looks and todays technology will appeal to those who are looking to rekindle an old flame or those hoping to initiate a new love affair.