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Tag: buying used

In Case You Missed It

Fuel Leak and Cracked Flare

A major fuel leak was discovered on this airplane not long after the first...

To Launch a Light Sport

It’s amazing what a little light will reveal, in this case a planned hole for the wing that would have been dangerously close to the wingspar. No worries. The problem was remedied, and it was on to fixing flaws in the wing’s surface and working on the nosewheel and front suspension; by Bob Fritz.

Check Your Six!

Rearview mirrors for your homebuilt fighter plane. By Bruce Eicher.

A Higher Velocity

Marc Cook reviews the new twin-turbo Velocity TXL from Velocity Aircraft. Among the benefits of the new configuration, which includes two Garrett turbochargers on the Continental engine, is power that keeps performance consistent well into higher altitudes-to the tune of 250 knots at FL250.