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Plane and Simple


In Case You Missed It

Mojave airport aerial image

Cutting It Short

Recidivist readers will recall last month I went on a bender over a breeze...

Top Overhaul

Gray oil is good, but what about black oil that looks like tar?


Engine Assembly Sealants and LubricantsI enjoyed Dave Prizio's article, "Choosing the Right Sealant" ....

The Unintimidated Builder

Builder Walter Treadwell has taken on projects that many of us would find daunting, and he keeps upping the ante. First came a Lancair 235, then a plansbuilt Jenny JN-4, followed by a P-38 and then his current project, a resized Sikorsky S-38. Some 4000 hours into the new project, Treadwell has a ways to go, but fortunately he has a mini AgCat to fly in the meantime; by Bob Fritz.