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Tag: airventure

In Case You Missed It

Ask the DAR

What's the difference between the FAAs SLSA (Special Light Sport Aircraft) and ELSA (Experimental Light Sport Aircraft) designation? DAR Mel Asberry clears it up.

Stretching The Envelope

Flying the SuperSTOL Stretch XL with a 180-hp ULPower engine.

Designer Spotlight: John Thorp

John W. Thorp has had a profound influence on both homebuilding and on aviation in general. If you've flown Piper Cherokees or know of the all-flying tail, you're familiar with his design principles, and his T-18 is still a favorite worldwide.

Three Years Before the Masts

There’s something about piloting a twin-engine, open-cockpit AirCam that gets under your skin, and it may become habit-forming. By Ed Wischmeyer.