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Tag: airventure

In Case You Missed It

Modern Exterior Aircraft Lighting

It’s your best way of letting other making your presence known to other pilots, so your exterior lighting system deserves careful thought and planning early on in the build process. Fortunately, there are choices for every plane and budget.

Holler, Holler, Let’s All Solder (Part 1)

OK, I’ll admit it. Back in the fifth grade my parents gave me a...

Wind Tunnel

The author discusses the theory and effect of constant-speed propellers on piston-engine airplane performance, and compares fixed-pitch versus constant-speed props, effect on thrust HP and propulsion, the comprises involved in choosing a prop, how props perform in various conditions and phases of flight, how variable-pitch props work, and why a constant-speed prop is the best choice for high-performance aircraft.


The Swiss Army knife of airplanes.