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The Real McKee


Rear Cockpit


In Case You Missed It

Ask the DAR

Can a builder modify a Vans RV-12 kit under the 51% rule? How about changing the gross weight of a RANS S-7? Plus, the FAA releases revised homebuilding rules.

Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 9)

Dont let pesky pinholes ruin your homebuilt project. There is a way to deal with them, and author Bob Fritz describes how. Hint: To start with, cleanliness is always a good thing in the shop.

Building the Bearhawk LSA

Welding the fuselage.

Aero ‘lectrics

Break out your laptops, iPhones and iPads. There is a new batch of apps and other software that can help pilots chart their course when traveling cross-country.