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Wind Tunnel

...while the governor can change the pitch of the blades, it cant adjust the blade twist or planform.Why Constant Speed?See Figure 1 to appreciate the primary reason to choose a...

Sensenich Goes Composite, Introduces New Ground-Adjustable Prop

...internal-pressure-molded system. According to the company, this production process yields a durable, low-inertia propeller. The propeller is designed with a swept-blade planform for maximum efficiency. The EZ-pitch hub features a...

In Case You Missed It

All About Avionics

Building your own panel need not be daunting. Stein Bruch offers some wisdom about how to keep the project on task and avoid the mistakes others have made.

Metal Magic: Learning To Love the Step Drill

KITPLANES editor at large Paul Dye explains the best times to use the so-called...

Build Your Skills: Fabric

The fabric has been applied to the airplane structure, its been tightened properly, and now its time to apply the first chemical coat to seal it. Ron Alexander takes you through the process and also introduces the various ways of attaching the fabric.


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