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...or plans would be created.) In 1988, the Catbird managed to seem both familiar and futuristic. It’s a conventional planform airplane in many respects: engine in front, big wing in...

Alternative Energies

...10 world records to its credit. It’s included here because it represents the next step up into competition level. Its tail and wing airfoils, and wing planform, are emulated in...


...the Skybolt. He went with a Pitts-style cabane assembly, which is easier to build. He also did away with the elliptical planform and lost a few square feet. Finally, he...

Alternative Energies

...battery assembly fits neatly right behind the pilot. Booker’s Red Tail Hawk has wings based on Monnett Moni spars and a planform with a long, rectangular center section and tapered...

Alternative Energies

...craft easily managed by the average pilot. The planform for the Alternair Amp. Power Supply Surprisingly, the aircraft will achieve this LSA performance with a mere 20-pound, 30 kW (40.2...

Wind Tunnel

...wingspan. An elliptically loaded wing therefore has a span efficiency of 1.0. A wing with a non-elliptical planform such as a constant-chord or straight-tapered wing can have a span efficiency...

Tail Surfaces and Aerodynamic Effects

...arm. Tail Design Considerations The airplane designer must choose the right combination of tail arm, tail area and tail planform to provide the desired characteristics. The most fundamental trade-off is...


...force due to a small difference of the blades in pitch, planform or both. If a two-blade propeller is mounted to a 6-inch flange with as little as 0.01-inch (ten-thousandths...

Remember When: The BD-5 Micro

...same tight radius, watching his tiny gray planform growing rapidly in my sights. We executed a classic scissors and yo-yo, and then circled once before I latched on to his...

Wind Tunnel

...to increase the amount of opposing hinge moment caused by elevator deflection. There are several ways to do this.Elevator Planform and Tail Aspect Ratio The hinge moment generated by a...

In Case You Missed It

What’s New

Drill holes without a template using a transfer, get around an airport with a foldable mobility scooter, auto-darkening smart welding helmets are introduced, and relays can save your avionics.

2013 Kit Aircraft Buyer’s Guide

Here’s a look at the newest designs and how the kit aircraft segment of Experimental aviation has changed over the past year. By Mary Bernard and Suzanne B. Bopp.

Best Practices – Fabric

Fabric covering.

Low-Cost Spark Plug Ohm Tester

This handy tester is rugged enough to be stored in your tool tray with...