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Blast From the Past

...The only known surviving Dreidecker prop was scanned to replicate the original planform and airfoil, then this duplicate prop was carved for Chris’ Dr.I. The Prop The propeller is just...

Design Process: Tail Surfaces

...move with loading condition and fuel state, the more stabilization the tail will need to provide. The stabilizing effectiveness of the tail is affected by its area and planform as...

Design Process: End Plates and Winglets

...of the tip causes the air to wrap up into a vortex that sheds aft of the tip of the wing. Last month we saw how tip planform and shaping...

Design Process: Wingtips

...drag. The goal is to make the tip vortex shed cleanly from the wing as far outboard as possible. Wingtip Geometry Both the planform of the tip and its cross...

Design Process: Aileron Types

The size and planform of the ailerons are set by the roll-control power needed to meet flying qualities and maneuvering requirements. Once the designer has defined these parameters, it’s time...

F1 Rocket Update

...preferred wing for low altitude, aerobatic and general performance use. The tapered wing is aimed at high altitude cross-country cruising and features both a tapered planform and some washout along...

Testing, Testing!

...cancel each other out). The spanwise load will be approximately proportional to the chord at that location along the span. For wings where the planform deviates from the elliptical ideal...

2021 Propeller Buyer’s Guide

...PowerSweep blade planform is incorporated into the composite propellers. Two- and three-blade units are available for the Lycoming O-320 and O-360 installations in Van’s RV airplanes, and large-diameter propellers are...

Design Process: Airfoils

Once the size and planform of the wing have been determined, it’s time to choose (or design) the airfoil. The airfoil must provide the right aerodynamic characteristics to give the...

Design Process: Stall and Roll Damping

...its airfoil stalls. This affects how sudden the onset of a stall is, but unless the wing planform has a significant amount of sweepback, the wing’s contribution to pitching moment...

In Case You Missed It

Rewiring a Nippondenso Alternator

This simple mod lets you add an external regulator.

Survival of the Smartest

Surviving an emergency or crash landing in a remote area is just the beginning of staying alive long term. Thinking about what you might need and equipping yourself adequately for the type of flying you intend to do are essential to making it until help arrives.

Exploring New Territory

Venture out of your comfort zone every so often, because stretching can be fun.

Aero ‘lectrics

Jim Weir describes some close encounters with power regulators of the plastic and metal-can kind.