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What Is My Instrument Panel Going to Cost?

...on the sale price. However, with many of the popular utility planes such as those by Kitfox or RANS, the money spent on IFR equipment might be hard to recover...

Kitfox Lite


Support Groups

...Kitfox The Kitfox Builder Newsletter 2805 222nd Place SE Issaquah, WA 98029 425/392-4627, fax 425/557-0107 www.sportflight.com kfbuildr@ix.netcom.com Tips, tricks, how-to information, and builder profiles for building all Skystar Kitfox models....

Something Different

...have 45 minutes of flight time with a 3-hour reserve.” When it was time to cover the wings, “my friend, neighbor, chapter member, and Kitfox Mark IV builder Bill Stilley...

Fly the High Road or the Low Road?

...VanderMeulen) Slow is best when cruising at low level. A 200-mph Lancair covering a mile every 20 seconds doesn’t leave much time for sightseeing down low, but a Kitfox at...

How To Sell Your Homebuilt Aircraft

...four-car garages to inspect a Kitfox. The airplane was beautifully assembled, right down to every bolt, washer, and jam nut. “Very, very nice!” I exclaimed. “I hope you’ll invite me...

In Case You Missed It

Stop Smoking

A simple rivet repair we hope you won’t have to make.

ScaleBirds P-36 Hawk

ScaleBirds, a newcomer to the kit manufacturing scene, chose to start their line of replica fighters with one of the first all-metal U.S. military pursuit ships of WW-II—the P-36.

Electronic Ignitions

As electronic ignitions become more popular, some homebuilders will want to consider making the switch (especially given the potential savings in fuel costs). Tom Wilson provides an overview of the marketplace and offers a “cost-benefit” analysis.

Flying and Aging

On one of our most recent lunch flights in the Stearman to the Peach...