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Kit-Aircraft Manufacturers: Okay So Far (UPDATED)

...Kitfox Aircraft continues to work. “First of all, we’re making sure all of our employees are well,” says John McBean, company owner. “We have a large enough work space that...
Rotax engine education

Rotax Training for the 9 Series

...installing, flying and maintaining Rotax 912s since I first put one on my Kitfox Model II in 1992, and that experience includes five airplanes and more than 1500 hours of...

Turbine Temptation: Into the Air

...handling, but it is heavier in roll than in pitch, and yaw is lighter still. An RV or Kitfox is a much more harmonious beast. I can stuff that Kitfox...

What Capability Are You Building Toward?

...and heartache. I know it’s tempting to think you’ll only do this once, but as we’ve discovered in our Buying Used series (which returns next month, looking at the Kitfox...

Big Screen EFIS

...‬backup instrument‭. ‬ The AdvancedPanel program is currently available for Van’s RV-7/8/9/10‭ ‬and 14‭ ‬models‭, ‬Glasair Aviation Sportsman and GlaStar‭, ‬Zenith‭, ‬Lancair 360‭/‬ES/IV/III‭, ‬Kitfox‭, ‬Sonex‭, ‬CubCrafters‭, ‬Rans S19‭/‬S20‭, ‬Bearhawk and...

2020 Propeller Buyer’s Guide

...‬The Airplane Factory‭, ‬Kitfox LLC‭, ‬RANS Aircraft‭, ‬Kaolin Aviation Services and Arion Aircraft‭.‬ Arrowprop Company Oklahoma-based Arrowprop is now primarily a supplier of composite propellers for ultralight and small experimental...

2020 Engine Buyer’s Guide

Depending on your viewpoint‭ ‬engines are one of those death and taxes things‮—‬a basic unavoidable in the kit-aircraft‭ ‬world or one of the more exciting opportunities to make your airplane...

It’s Time to Start

...company name is now 92 West Aviation Inc. Kitfox Aircraft has revised its product names slightly, which include the Kitfox Series 7 STi and the Kitfox Series 7 Super Sport....

Eric Joern’s Kitfox Super Sport

After attending AirVenture three times, watching my brother build his Kitfox and getting to know the folks at the Kitfox factory, I decided Kitfox was the way to go. The...

Homebuilt Accidents: BuzzKill

...and the Kitfox) had less than half. Only two of the 12 RV-6 accidents and one of the 14 Kitfox cases involved low-altitude aerobatics. Striking wires is fatal almost half...

In Case You Missed It

Cut the Can, Man

Inspecting your filter after an oil change is a good idea, but what tool is best for opening the can? Bob Fritz tests the gamut of oil filter cutters so that you don't have to.

Rapid Prototyping and Experimental Design

CNC mold blank fabrication, part 1.

Check Your Six!

Rearview mirrors for your homebuilt fighter plane. By Bruce Eicher.

Firewall Forward: Engine Controls

Here's what you need to know to get your engine controls—propeller, throttle, mixture, carburetor heat, cabin heat—placed correctly and working properly.