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...approximately 90 hours in N767EM.edmartintx@aol.comGreg Beards Kitfox I picked up my Kitfox kit at the factory in October 2001. After a retirement, a couple of moves and a period of...

Unbreaking the Bank

...Hall of Fame. Kitfox First thoughts for this feature were to include the Kitfox Classic IV to represent a line of aircraft that has been among the most popular. But...


...they had a few years earlier (Pulsar and Kitfox). In preparation for flight testing, I attended the EAA SportAir workshop “Flying Your Project,” instructed by the late Bill Bateman. In...

Simulating Emergencies

...and failed part of the right wing with disastrous results. Another plane from X-plane.org is the Kitfox, modeled by Michel Verheughe and based on the one he owns and flies....

Down to Earth

...was experience. Our first kit aircraft, a Kitfox IV, was built when our children were infants. He had the construction knowledge to build the tube-and-rag airplane with its basic electrical...


...and have logged 30 hours since. Its a great stable taildragger, and I miss my Kitfox Lite less every day, especially when its windy, which doesn’t seem to bother the...


...of bags and 4 hours worth of fuel.Niceville, Floridacws1932@cox.netGeorge Mendoncas Kitfox 4 In November 2004 I bought a Kitfox 4 plane (95% done and 25% to go-as the old joke...


...wife expressed frustration at the 1:45 hours our Kitfox took to get from Logan, Utah, to Sun Valley, Idaho. She suggested that we get a faster airplane to visit the...

Kitfox Super Sport

...Kitfox Super Sport, there’s no denying the increase in utility. The Kitfox is a real airplane now, no excuses required. The new Kitfox is about generous payloads and easy short...

Kitfox Rights Acquired by Sport Plane, LLC

In a history punctuated by swirling eddies of ownership changes, bankruptcy and rebirth, another chapter of the Kitfox story opened on April 7, 2006, when John and Debra McBean purchased...

In Case You Missed It

Choosing Plumage for Your Homebuilt

A well-designed paint scheme is the perfect finishing touch for your plane.

Light Stuff

The Texas Sport Cub is the latest in a line of planes with the venerable Cub lineage. Dave Martin flies one and discusses the various licensing options available.

Rear Cockpit

Flying glass.


Susan BrunnerSusan spent seven years with her husband building their Lancair IV-P. Her administrative...