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ViperJet Redux

...margins for error. An extra 10 knots on final is not an issue on most runways in a Kitfox or a GlaStar, but 10 knots extra in a jet without...

25th Anniversary: Homebuilts – The Enduring Soul of Innovation

...composite construction in the early 1980s, and Lancair and Glasair came to the fore in the mid- to late 80s. Avid and Kitfox offered their designs to homebuilders in the...


...statistics. I think I can answer the mystery of the Avid/Kitfox statistics. Avid mounts the Rotax two-cycle engine inverted. Kitfox mounts the engines right-side up. Mike Stratman ( of California...

Down to Earth

...part of an uncertified engine/propeller combination. Who Decides? Who dictates this stuff, you might ask. Well, in our case with both our Kitfox IV and our RV-10, and in the...


...pictured on a pair of EDO 2440 floats.Hibbing, MinnesotaKp12793@aol.comPerry and Ken Robinsons Series 7 Kitfox The first flight of our Series 7 Kitfox was on May 19, 2007. The plane...

Homebuilt Aircraft Safety 1998-2008

...there were more than twice as many Kitfox accidents? Its interesting to note that more Kitfoxes than Avid Flyers mounted two-stroke engines (35 versus 30), but the two-stroke engines on...

Getting to Know the Neighborhood

...Kitfox 4, which you might recognize from KITPLANES Completions. Mendonca logged more than 22,000 hours of flying in his career and still has the enthusiasm to average about 80 hours...

Getting to Know the Neighborhood: The Short Story of 68 Airports

...own Kitfox 4, which you might recognize from KITPLANES Completions. Mendonca logged more than 22,000 hours of flying in his career and still has the enthusiasm to average about 80...

Designing Minds

...a Kitfox owner, said that when he was ready for his paint job, he logged onto the Kitfox web site and scanned the photos in its gallery in search of...

Amy's RV-10: Checking Out a Newborn Engine Before Flight

...with the same aplomb as the one in our Kitfox 4 has done for seven years. I like the simplicity of this box. Hit the master and it is on,...

In Case You Missed It

Aero ‘lectrics

A reVOLTing development.

Ask the DAR

Transferring an aircraft's repairman certificate, replacing a lost airworthiness certificate, converting a certified aircraft to Experimental.

Wicks Aircraft Supply & Motorsports

For over 100 years, this family-owned business has sold everything from pipe organs and PT-19 wings to high-performance parts for homebuilts.

The Ownership Experience

Is the Turbine Evolution the ultimate upgrade?