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...was a great help as well. West Chester, Ohio flyinbrian@cinci.rr.com William Prokes’s Kitfox N419BM is a Model 4 Kitfox with a Rotec radial engine (2800). It was completed almost three...

Down to Earth

...I’ll localize to my own two homebuilts, a Kitfox IV and an early serial number RV-10 quickbuild. However, feel free to expand on my tangent and do your own research...

Kitfox vs. Kitfox

When an aircraft has been around as long as the Kitfox, change—and improvement—is inevitable. First introduced in 1984, the Kitfox Model 1 has evolved considerably and by 1991, the Kitfox...

Down to Earth

...fine, just a bit of wind from the east—nothing the Kitfox and I couldn’t handle. I flew the 30-odd miles to Pat’s airport holding about a 20° crab angle for...

What’s New

...Aircraft Offers Engine Options Kitfox announced two new engine options for its Experimental/Amateur-Built kits and factory-built Special Light Sport Aircraft. Kitfox will offer the new Rotax 912 iS fuel-injected engine...

2013 Engine Buyer’s Guide

...Jabiru installations on the Zenith 601, 650, 701 and 750; RANS S-6, S-7S and S-19; Van’s RV-12, Kitfox, Avid Mk 4 and the Arion Aircraft Lightning. Prices for the FWF...


  John Kuzmic’s Kitfox S7A I am a member of the EAA 103 group that took on the project to build 13 Kitfox S7 airplanes beginning in late 2001. In...

News from Kitfox Aircraft

...program that uses Kitfox airplanes. First, Kitfox announced that it will offer the new Rotax 912 iS fuel-injected engine on both the Kitfox SLSA and the kitbuilt versions, claiming to...

The EAA HAC Grows

...He built and flies a Kitfox V and is building a Van’s Aircraft RV-7A. He is a retired airline pilot and past Washington, D.C., representative for the EAA. Joe Gauthier...

Down to Earth

...surprised to learn that your policy has distinct language regarding hurricanes and your responsibility for protecting your property. Ours does. Both my Kitfox IV and my Van’s Aircraft RV-10 policies...

In Case You Missed It

What’s New

Illuminate your panel, a new EFIS, and a Subaru-based firewall-forwaard engine package; edited by Mary Bernard.

Editor’s Log

Are you crazy?

Editor’s Log

With so many different types of Experimental/kit aircraft available, Paul Dye explains how KITPLANES tries to include something of interest for everyone.

What’s New

DRE has a new ANR headset, Approach Fast Stack Pro-G Hub is issued a PMA, and the Hummingbird heli quickbuild kit gets FAA approval.