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Carbon Cub EX-2
...less expensive. For instance, the Light Sport-compliant Kitfox, RANS S-7S, and Just Highlander can all be built for around $80,000, or even less by a frugal builder. The Super Legend...
Meyer SuperSport Kitfox N43KF
I got my SuperSport Kitfox kit in 2011 and spent 27 months to completion on December 17, 2014, Kityhawk’s 111th anniversary. N43KF is powered by a Rotax 912 ULS with...
Bucholz Kitfox Supersport N825CB
We bought our kit at the 2008 Copperstate Fly-in with the idea that we would complete the Kitfox in 2 years. “Life got in the way” and we completed it...
Kitfox Cutaway on Display at Oshkosh
...Kitfox Aircraft set up a cutaway of a complete airplane. This provides an opportunity to see a Kitfox skeleton that a finished product doesn’t offer. The company is also displaying...
...limitations on a Day-VFR Kitfox or an Experimental/Amateur-Built RV-12 as a Lancair IV-P with all of the bells and whistles. In the case of an ELSA RV-12, Van’s Aircraft actually...
Down to Earth
...make your days flying more rewarding. Our Little Bird, an early Kitfox IV with Sportster wings, was always just a wee bit different than the other Kitfoxes on the display...
...finished covering and shrinking one of the wings on the Kitfox. There was a thread sticking up right between two ribs, so I grabbed a razor blade thinking I could...
APP in the Real World
...are addicted to aviation, Bob’s career in pharmacy didn’t stop him from restoring a 1946 Aeronca Chief with three friends, or building a Kitfox Model 1200 Speedster, or building a...
Way back in 1991, I moved with my family to Atlanta, Georgia, from Cleveland, Ohio, due to a promotion at Hewlett-Packard. Flying the Kitfox to Georgia was a really fun...
Down to Earth
...holds an Airline Transport Pilot rating, multi-engine and single-engine flight instructor ratings, as well as glider and rotorcraft (gyroplane) ratings. She’s helped with the build up of her Kitfox IV...