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Carbon Cub EX-2

...less expensive. For instance, the Light Sport-compliant Kitfox, RANS S-7S, and Just Highlander can all be built for around $80,000, or even less by a frugal builder. The Super Legend...

Meyer SuperSport Kitfox N43KF

I got my SuperSport Kitfox kit in 2011 and spent 27 months to completion on December 17, 2014, Kityhawk’s 111th anniversary. N43KF is powered by a Rotax 912 ULS with...

Bucholz Kitfox Supersport N825CB

We bought our kit at the 2008 Copperstate Fly-in with the idea that we would complete the Kitfox in 2 years. “Life got in the way” and we completed it...

Kitfox Cutaway on Display at Oshkosh

...Kitfox Aircraft set up a cutaway of a complete airplane. This provides an opportunity to see a Kitfox skeleton that a finished product doesn’t offer. The company is also displaying...


...limitations on a Day-VFR Kitfox or an Experimental/Amateur-Built RV-12 as a Lancair IV-P with all of the bells and whistles. In the case of an ELSA RV-12, Van’s Aircraft actually...

Down to Earth

...make your days flying more rewarding. Our Little Bird, an early Kitfox IV with Sportster wings, was always just a wee bit different than the other Kitfoxes on the display...


...finished covering and shrinking one of the wings on the Kitfox. There was a thread sticking up right between two ribs, so I grabbed a razor blade thinking I could...

APP in the Real World

...are addicted to aviation, Bob’s career in pharmacy didn’t stop him from restoring a 1946 Aeronca Chief with three friends, or building a Kitfox Model 1200 Speedster, or building a...


Way back in 1991, I moved with my family to Atlanta, Georgia, from Cleveland, Ohio, due to a promotion at Hewlett-Packard. Flying the Kitfox to Georgia was a really fun...

Down to Earth

...holds an Airline Transport Pilot rating, multi-engine and single-engine flight instructor ratings, as well as glider and rotorcraft (gyroplane) ratings. She’s helped with the build up of her Kitfox IV...

In Case You Missed It

What’s New

AirGizmos offers new gadgets, RDD Enterprises makes speed brakes for the Vans RV-10, and AeroLEDs offers LED-based nav/strobe lights; edited by Mary Bernard.

Reno: The Grit and the Glory

Few eras in aviation have changed with the clarity of the National Championship Air...

Archive: June 1995

A turbocharged Pelican was on our cover of this issue. Inside, LeRoy Cook reported...


In Search of SpeedI read both articles from Dave Forster and was very...